5 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating a Financial Plan
We all make mistakes, financial and otherwise. Are you making any of these common financial planning mistakes?
The Importance of Financial Literacy in the Classroom
The multitude of our debt problem could prevent millions of Americans from getting ahead. Instilling basic financial concepts into children could drastically change the trajectory of their life. Perhaps equipping the next generation with these essential life skills will enable them to undo their parent's mistakes.
CDs: Certificate of Depreciation
CDs are often touted as a safe way to invest. In order to be a successful investor, we must mitigate risk. Therefore, wouldn't investing in something as safe as a CD would be a good investment decision? Not so fast.
The Currency of Today is Time
When you manage your money correctly, it can help you buy time. Time has a funny impact on money too. The longer you wait to create a financial plan, the harsher time will treat you.
A Microwave Versus a Slow Cooker
There is no workaround. There is no way to game the system. There is no microwave. Planning and time are essential to investing. Also throw in a little help from a trusted Certified Financial Planner™!
What the Wealth?!
What the Wealth?! breaks down the complexities of money. This book makes personal finance easy to understand and provides actionable steps that when put together, will give you a financial plan that covers every stage of life.
Time To Get Organized
We wish everyone much success with their 2020 goals; financial and otherwise. Happy New Year!
Moving Mountains
Working with a CFP® can help you start your financial plan; whether you are nearing retirement age or have decades ahead of you. It’s never too late to start moving mountains.
The Only Goal That Matters
Human beings are not always the most rational creatures. We often allow emotion to color our decisions.